Text OVCF to (206) 859-9405 to download.
Our name on the app is "OVCF The Well".

This tool was designed to help you stay connected to ongoing and upcoming events in this local church body. It enables you to:
• Stay informed about upcoming events and any important news through push notifications.
• Check out our calendar and stay up to date on all that's going on.
• Listen to Sunday sermons and take notes from your device.
• Learn more about us.
• Stay informed about upcoming events and any important news through push notifications.
• Check out our calendar and stay up to date on all that's going on.
• Listen to Sunday sermons and take notes from your device.
• Learn more about us.
Choosing your notifications:
One of the most beneficial aspects of this app is the ability for you to receive Push Notifications, helping you stay in the loop and up to date.
To choose which notifications you would like to receive, go to the menu icon in the top left corner when you are on the "Home" page. Click on the "Settings" icon (the small wheel) and then click on "Notifications" to choose what you would like to receive."
One of the most beneficial aspects of this app is the ability for you to receive Push Notifications, helping you stay in the loop and up to date.
To choose which notifications you would like to receive, go to the menu icon in the top left corner when you are on the "Home" page. Click on the "Settings" icon (the small wheel) and then click on "Notifications" to choose what you would like to receive."